We are the world? Really? Simple and naive but honourable act of the 80's aneb Soutěž o tvarohové buchty

Harry Belafonte called manager Ken Kragen about a fundraising idea for Africa. Kragen suggested a multi-artistic event akin to Bob Geldof's Band-Aid and the resulting single "Do They Know It's Christmas." Kragen contacted Lionel Richie, who was one of his clients, Quincy Jones, and Michael Jackson about the idea. Kragen booked time at A&M Recording Studios on January 28, 1985, the night of the American Music Awards to ensure the artist would be available. Richie and Jackson collaborated on the song that would become "We Are the World." Jones sent out instrumental versions of the song along with the note that emphasized "check your egos at the door." The music video for the song is a who's who of '80s pop. Issued on March 7, 1984, "We Are the World" sold 800,000 copies in one weekend. There was even a day when the record was played simultaneously on radio and TV stations across the country. Produced by Quincy Jones and issued under the name USA for Africa, "We Are the World" sold over four million copies, going to number one R&B for two weeks, number one pop for four weeks, number one adult contemporary, and number 76 country in the spring of 1985. It won Grammys for Best Song, Best Record, and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group. The We Are the World LP sold over three million copies, holding down the number one pop spot for three weeks, while going to number six R&B. Adding music sales and merchandising, "We Are the World" generated over 50 million dollars to aid starving people in Africa.

Who of you recognise at least ten of artists collaborated on this amazingly sweet track and write it down to the "commentaries" will win dozen of cheesy cakes (ve skutečnosti se jedná o tvarohové buchty) - ty mu budou doručeny na adresu, kterou ve svém zájmu vyplní do předem vůbec nepřipraveného formuláře, který určitě nenalezne v komentářích a proto si ho tedy v zájmu svém i svých budoucích buchet vytvoří! Myslím to upřímně* (a vážně)**! I mean it (seriously)!!! Tak kdo bude první...?

*vypůjčeno z postaršího volebního sloganu nejmenované politické strany.
**narozdíl od postaršího volebního sloganu nejmenované politické strany.

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Takze: pisnicku napsal Michael Jackson spolu s Lionelem Richiem (taky tam zpivaji), dale Stevie Wonder, Diane Warwick, Tina Turner, Bruce Sprongsteen, Paul Simon, Diana Ross,Dan Aykroyd, Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Lindsey Buckingham, 5 dalsich clenu Jaksonovic rodiny...a to by asi stacilo, ne? :-) buchty prosim dorucit kdykoliv mezi 7. cervencem a 20.srpnem na moji pribramskou adresu Riegrova 54...Dekuji, Macik z Aberdeenu